I always thought of myself as being part of the overall prepping community. Not because we “prep” for the most extreme possibilities, but because it’s always been important to our family to be prepared. Just normal, grown-up, mature, responsible adult stuff.
Having a well-stocked pantry and freezer are something everyone should strive to do, although so many only live from week to week and they never put things back for a rainy day or those possible bumps in the road.
The video I posted in January about food shortages and inflation was meant to encourage those for whom prepping has not at ALL been on their radar to stock up and get their pantries in order before a likely bumpy year. It has (as of this writing) been viewed over 20k times.
I never expected that kind of traffic on that video and I’m grateful for it, but I received some comments on that video that seemed to be taking me to task for not telling people they should prepare for more long term catastrophes.
Apparently, they think I should be encouraging others to have solar panels, use bidets, learn how to use vintage sewing machines, not have at least several years of food stored up, and so on and so on. Fact is, we’re not all prepping for a multi-year SHTF event. Some of us are just preparing for another SHTF event like America has seen in the past, whether it was a world war, or an economic collapse, whatever.
When it comes right down to it, I don’t care if someone sees me as a “prepper” or not. I just like making sure my family is prepared.
For more preparedness content, go here.