In these hyper-modern times, where tech dominates nearly everything, there's something comforting about turning to classic manual kitchen tools. These are the things your grandmothers or great-grandmothers wouldn't have wanted to do without — and once you have...
How to make Refried Beans – EASY RECIPE with your stored pinto beans!
This is the BEST REFRIED BEANS RECIPE that you’ll ever have. These are so easy and economical to make. At the most basic level, all you need are some cooked pinto beans and a little bit of oil or fat (I use bacon grease). I also like to add a tiny bit of finely diced...
The IDEAL bed for raised bed gardening If you're going to be doing raised bed gardening, there are a lot of things you need to consider: Is the bed deep enough? Is it sturdy? Does it look good? Can you put it together yourself? I have a few raised beds made of wood, and I love...
Prepping for food shortages! 2022 Garden Tour – What I’m growing + FREE fertilizer tip!
Prepping for food shortages is critical, especially with empty shelves everywhere and supply chain issues with grain, fertilizer, and everything that those contribute to producing. And that's to say nothing of inflation. Those of us keep a well-stocked pantry AND grow...
Do Dollar Tree canning lids work? I had to test them for my own food storage!
Do Dollar Tree canning lids work? When I saw the often hard-to-find items in the Dollar Tree I knew I had to test them out. If they work, it's a great option for canning at a super low price. If they don't work, it could be a disaster if someone canned with these and...
Favorite Canning Recipes – Things I WILL & WON’T Can Again (Pt. 1 Meats & Soups/Stews) | Prepper Pantry – Emergency Food Storage
In this video, I discuss my favorite canning recipes for my prepper pantry in the categories of meats & soups/stews, as well as the things in those categories that I won't be canning again. Find all of my canning videos here:...
Are you REALLY ready? Food storage, self-sufficiency, food preservation, preparedness & BOOKSHELF
Make sure you have physical books and printouts of critical information. Do you know how to get around with a map and a compass? Do you know how to purify your water to make it safe for drinking with bleach? Do you know canning times for foods you are growing in your...
DON’T WAIT! It’s time to start your garden NOW! Lower your grocery bill by growing your own food!
Start Your Garden Everything keeps getting more expensive! It's time to start your garden. Take matters into your own hands and save money by starting to grow at least some of your family's food. This is the time to get started! Get seeds started indoors so you can...
Thoughts on supply chain issues, food preparedness, and more!
I recently had a comment from a viewer asking me to do another video on preparedness, and to share my thoughts on current events happening in the world (food shortages, supply chain issues, inflation, etc.) and what she might do to be prepared since she lives alone. I...